What do old fashioned stories teach our children? Answer: very little!

Recently someone I know sang an old nursery rhyme about hot cross buns to my little Button-Pusher.  After the line, ‘if you have no daughters, give them to your sons’, I commented (half jokingly) “what if you have daughters?  Don’t the sons get any if you have daughters?  What are the sons supposed to do? … More What do old fashioned stories teach our children? Answer: very little!

Ella & the iPhone

There once was a girl with a head full of curls, who despite having cause to complain, was happy and bright, she was quite the delight. Would you like to know more?  I’ll explain: see the girl lived at home, though she oft felt alone, as her parents had long since passed on. A step-mum existed, … More Ella & the iPhone