In Control Mother Booker.

I’ve written before about how being a parent sometimes makes me feel out of control or that I’m failing at being a mum.  A quick straw poll of mum friends, or a glance online at other blogs and magazine articles, and I take some comfort in knowing that I’m clearly not alone in feeling this way. … More In Control Mother Booker.

The buttons they push, are often the things we dislike in ourselves.

My gorgeous little Button-Pusher has got into the habit of requiring a nappy change, just as we’re about to leave the house, and it has the power to push buttons of annoyance, anger and frustration all at once.  It drives me crazy.  Really crazy.  I leave the house these days in a rush and a … More The buttons they push, are often the things we dislike in ourselves.

This is a story about control.  My control.  And the Button-Pusher who challenges it.

Recently I interviewed Emily Joyce about who pushes her buttons and how she navigates parenthood.  She said one thing in particular that really stuck in my mind:  I wonder whether a lot of parenting is about the loss of control and trying to cope with that. It rang a big old bell for me, and struck … More This is a story about control.  My control.  And the Button-Pusher who challenges it.