Who’s Had Their Buttons Pushed Lately? Mamazou founder: Jenny Raymond

It’s been ages since I talked to any mamas or papas about having their buttons pushed.  But as we’ve just had Christmas, I’m sure we can safely assume that buttons were being pushed left right and centre!  But when will Santa come?  When you go to sleep.  But is he here now?  No, not yet, … More Who’s Had Their Buttons Pushed Lately? Mamazou founder: Jenny Raymond

#WorkThatWorks How Kate Thornton makes it work for her, now she’s a Mum.

I met Kate Thornton recently to ask her if her eight year old son Ben, ever pushes her buttons in the same way that my little Button-Pusher does to me.  Ben sounds like he’s a very chilled, very cool kid indeed, who makes his mum beam with pride when she talks about him.  As I … More #WorkThatWorks How Kate Thornton makes it work for her, now she’s a Mum.

But It’s Mine!

There once was a girl with a head full of curls, whose favourite word was ‘mine’. From the moment she woke, whenever she spoke, she would utter the very same line: “That’s mine!” she would whine, all of the time, regardless of what she had seen. A toy, or a hat, a bike or a … More But It’s Mine!

Baby Brain? It might last longer than you think…..

During pregnancy, I often joked about having ‘baby brain’.  Occasionally I quoted research that believes it’s nature’s way of preparing women to emotionally bond with their baby: hormones (it’s always hormones eh?), divert the brain’s attention to where it’s needed most. So less important jobs tend to fall by the wayside. After you give birth, … More Baby Brain? It might last longer than you think…..