The buttons they push, are often the things we dislike in ourselves.

My gorgeous little Button-Pusher has got into the habit of requiring a nappy change, just as we’re about to leave the house, and it has the power to push buttons of annoyance, anger and frustration all at once.  It drives me crazy.  Really crazy.  I leave the house these days in a rush and a … More The buttons they push, are often the things we dislike in ourselves.

Let’s NOT teach our children outdated messages about consent & respect.

I write this blog, in a thoughtful but largely light hearted way, about the things that toddlers do that push our buttons.  But something really pushed my buttons this week: when I read that in 2016, young women are still being told to take responsibility for a man’s unwelcome gaze or actions. A deputy principal at a … More Let’s NOT teach our children outdated messages about consent & respect.