But It’s Mine!

There once was a girl with a head full of curls, whose favourite word was ‘mine’. From the moment she woke, whenever she spoke, she would utter the very same line: “That’s mine!” she would whine, all of the time, regardless of what she had seen. A toy, or a hat, a bike or a … More But It’s Mine!

Possession: 9/10s of the law but 10/10s of a toddler

There’s a famous expression that is often quoted in films, that possession is nine tenths of the law. In truth, it’s just an expression and not an actual law.  It’s also not something that the average toddler cares much about, especially once they enter the MINE phase. Everything is ‘a phase’ when you have children. … More Possession: 9/10s of the law but 10/10s of a toddler